Commercial Landscaping Storm Preparedness

Although hurricanes and tropical storms don’t affect daily life in Port St Lucie Florida, it can feel like that when your landscape is constantly ravaged by stormy weather. Your commercial property can look shabby with mowed lawns, weakened branches and ripped shrubs. This can make it difficult for visitors and employees to enjoy the natural beauty of the area, as well as a negative impression on your business. NY/FL Yard Pros is always prepared for any storm. Our experts are certified in hurricane preparedness services to protect your landscape during and after severe weather.

The NY/FL Yard Pro Commercial Services

Branch Pruning

NY/FL Yard Pros can trim dead or dying trees from commercial lawns. These branches can fall or fly through the air during heavy storms. They can also pose a danger during hurricanes if they’re large branches. After each service, we will remove all debris from the property so it doesn’t become projectile like and fly through windows. Call us before it’s too late – 772 268 YARD (9273). We’ll get your commercial property hurricane ready.

selective focus of smiling gardener in helmet and hearing protectors trimming trees with telescopic
Close up man hand preparing the equipment fixing rope tree slacklining

Stake New/Young Trees & Bushes

Trees are gorgeous and strong they add value as well as privacy along with character and value to the home. They not only enhance landscapes but also supply vital oxygen, improve water quality, as well as lower the amount of noise pollution, but they can also be a big problem during a storm, especially new/young trees. Younger trees have less root support than older trees, so their ground anchorage won’t be as strong. They can be easily blown away by hurricane winds. These tress will be identified by the NY/FL Yard Pros and secured to make them stronger so that they can withstand severe hurricane winds. 

Close up man hand preparing the equipment fixing rope tree slacklining

Drainage System Cleanup

The NY/FL Yard Pros will check storm drains on your commercial property for debris. Blocked drains can block stormwater flow and increase the likelihood of flooding in your business or commercial property. Standing water can cause lawn and landscape damage, including tree falls, overwatering and disease. We will make sure that all storm drains are clear of all debris. 

Leaves on drainage grade
Palm Trees and Water Sprinklers

Irrigation Management

The NY/FL Yard Pros knows that it’s important to ensure that your irrigation system is turned off before a hurricane hits, especially if the rain doesn’t cause it to automatically shut off. It is always a good idea to either check it manually or to make sure it is turned off. Keep in mind that soil will not become saturated even if it stops raining. To be certain that the system is turned back on, make sure you test the soil again a little later.

Palm Trees and Water Sprinklers

What If I Need Something Else?

Call us! We’re available Monday-Saturday at 772-268-9273. We do a lot more than most other Treasure Coast landscaping companies. For one, we provide consistent service. We also show up – and we know that’s big around Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, and Stuart. Did you know we also serve communities with HOA’s? Call us so we can give you a quote for your property – we can save your community and homeowners up to 38% per year. That’s huge! The NY/FL Yard Pro crews all speak conversational English, which is something most other landscaping companies in Port St Lucie can say. You and your commercial business will be able to communicate your wishes and concerns directly to the crew. Contact the NY/FL Yard Pros today!

The Cascades

More About Commercial Storm Preparedness Services in St Lucie County

When a hurricane is approaching your area, there are several things you can do to help prepare yourself. One of the best things you can do is to invest in landscaping that is wind resistant and also helps to protect your property from flooding. In addition, you should also look into investing in hurricane proof structures and other things that can help you survive a hurricane.

Planting trees in groups increases wind resistance

Planting trees in groups can help to increase wind resistance. However, a variety of factors are involved in determining a tree’s ability to resist hurricane-force winds. The most important of these factors is the species of the tree. It’s also vital that the tree be located in the right place.

Trees located near the coast are subject to more severe winds, which can damage them. Salt is another factor that can affect the health of trees along the coast. In addition, tree species have different sensitivity to uprooting and breakage.

While a variety of factors can affect a tree’s resilience to hurricane-force winds, the most significant is the type of tree. Some conifers and hardwoods are more tolerant than others. Another consideration is the soil conditions. If a tree is planted in a location that is not conducive to deep root growth, it will likely be uprooted by a storm.

According to the University of Florida’s IFAS Extension, one way to increase wind resistance is to plant the trees in groups. This helps to keep the branches and roots from touching each other, which can reduce the risk of uprooting and breakage.

When choosing a tree for your property, be sure to research its health and resistance to hurricane-force winds. Additionally, choose a location that is close to other, wind-resistant trees.

Properly manicured palm trees can prevent fronds from blowing off

When you are pruning your palm tree, you want to do it in the right way. You don’t want to trim a frond, only to have it blow off during a hurricane. The best practice is to prune off the brown fronds at the end of the growing season, and leave the rest alone.

To properly care for a palm tree, you should fertilize it at least three times a year. Fertilizing your palm tree will help to keep it healthy, and keep it from dying out in the heat of summer. Aside from this, it’s important to keep it from catching fire. Its branches will be dry and brittle, making them a fire hazard. As a result, you should always wear protective clothing when pruning a palm.

If you are in the market for a new palm tree, you may be wondering whether it is wise to purchase a new palm or to let your old one grow out. This is a great question to ask. Palm trees can be quite expensive, and they are not for everyone. Whether you decide to buy or let your current one grow out, it is a good idea to keep it in top shape. With proper maintenance, your palm will grow and flourish for many years to come.

Assessing damage after a hurricane

After a hurricane, it’s important to assess the damage to your home and business. Using this information, you can decide if your insurance company will pay for damages and whether or not you can continue operating your business while repairs are made.

The first step to assessing the damage is determining how strong the storm was. A professional will be able to determine if the damage is consistent with the forces of the storm. You can do this by using the wind speed data available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or private meteorological companies.

Other ways to assess the damage is by examining the debris left behind after the storm. This includes items such as branches, roofing material, and even signs. Some areas have experienced flooding and resulting water damage. If you’re concerned about the amount of debris that has fallen into your home, consider getting a professional to perform a thorough assessment.

When assessing the damage, you’ll want to look at the physical condition of your building before the storm. You may also want to take photographs of your property and compare them to aerial photos that were taken during the storm.

In addition, you’ll want to inspect your commercial yard for standing water. This can be caused by heavy rain or wind-driven rain, both of which can lead to water damage.

Staking a tree is a way to anchor a newly planted tree to prevent it from falling over. It is recommended that you stake a tree before a hurricane, even if the tree is already growing. The reason is that a tree is very heavy and may easily fall over if you do not properly tie it. A tree that is properly staked will be anchored and can grow stronger.

Young trees need staking because they have not developed a large root system. This causes them to be more prone to wind damage than older, more established trees. If a tree is planted in a location where it will receive regular foot traffic, such as a sidewalk, it is often staked.

Trees have very delicate tissues underneath their bark. These tissues absorb water and nutrients and are critical for the health of a tree. If these tissues become damaged, the tree can not absorb nutrients and grow. That is why it is important to prune trees to remove branches that have been damaged or decayed. Before a storm, cut down dead branches that are hanging in the tree. Also, remove any debris from storm drains to avoid uprooting a tree.

When staking a tree, the stakes should be driven deep into the ground. The roots of a tree are anchored to the soil, so if the stakes are not placed deeply enough, the roots will become loose. They should be driven at least 18 inches into the soil. Ideally, the stakes should be placed about 15-18 inches away from the trunk. However, this is not always possible. For larger trees, you might need steel cable or lag hooks to provide adequate support.

Staking can also be done if you want to protect a tree from high winds, such as a eucalyptus or acacia. Eucalyptus and acacia need a full growing season to develop strong, healthy root systems. You should keep these trees well hydrated during the growing season. Otherwise, the tree will not be able to absorb the water it needs and will likely break down.

A flat strap is often used to stake a tree. These straps are taut but not too tight. These straps are designed to protect the trunk from rubbing against other tree trunks and causing damage. In addition, the straps should be at least 18 inches above the ground.

Another type of support strap is the ArborTie, which is designed to hold a tree in place without allowing it to become top heavy. During a storm, the trunk will tend to move upwards, resulting in a thicker trunk above the tie. This is bad for the tree because it disrupts the flow of water and nutrients to the roots.

If you do not want to stake a tree, you can use a tree cover to protect it. Make sure that the cover is heavy enough to keep the tree from flying off during the storm. Alternatively, you can wrap a rubber hose around the tree’s trunk.