Commercial Landscaping Storm Preparedness
Although hurricanes and tropical storms don’t affect daily life in Port St Lucie Florida, it can feel like that when your landscape is constantly ravaged by stormy weather. Your commercial property can look shabby with mowed lawns, weakened branches and ripped shrubs. This can make it difficult for visitors and employees to enjoy the natural beauty of the area, as well as a negative impression on your business. NY/FL Yard Pros is always prepared for any storm. Our experts are certified in hurricane preparedness services to protect your landscape during and after severe weather.
Branch Pruning
NY/FL Yard Pros can trim dead or dying trees from commercial lawns. These branches can fall or fly through the air during heavy storms. They can also pose a danger during hurricanes if they’re large branches. After each service, we will remove all debris from the property so it doesn’t become projectile like and fly through windows. Call us before it’s too late – 772 268 YARD (9273). We’ll get your commercial property hurricane ready.

Stake New/Young Trees & Bushes
Trees are gorgeous and strong they add value as well as privacy along with character and value to the home. They not only enhance landscapes but also supply vital oxygen, improve water quality, as well as lower the amount of noise pollution, but they can also be a big problem during a storm, especially new/young trees. Younger trees have less root support than older trees, so their ground anchorage won’t be as strong. They can be easily blown away by hurricane winds. These tress will be identified by the NY/FL Yard Pros and secured to make them stronger so that they can withstand severe hurricane winds.

Drainage System Cleanup
The NY/FL Yard Pros will check storm drains on your commercial property for debris. Blocked drains can block stormwater flow and increase the likelihood of flooding in your business or commercial property. Standing water can cause lawn and landscape damage, including tree falls, overwatering and disease. We will make sure that all storm drains are clear of all debris.

Irrigation Management
The NY/FL Yard Pros knows that it’s important to ensure that your irrigation system is turned off before a hurricane hits, especially if the rain doesn’t cause it to automatically shut off. It is always a good idea to either check it manually or to make sure it is turned off. Keep in mind that soil will not become saturated even if it stops raining. To be certain that the system is turned back on, make sure you test the soil again a little later.

What If I Need Something Else?
Call us! We’re available Monday-Saturday at 772-268-9273. We do a lot more than most other Treasure Coast landscaping companies. For one, we provide consistent service. We also show up – and we know that’s big around Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, and Stuart. Did you know we also serve communities with HOA’s? Call us so we can give you a quote for your property – we can save your community and homeowners up to 38% per year. That’s huge! The NY/FL Yard Pro crews all speak conversational English, which is something most other landscaping companies in Port St Lucie can say. You and your commercial business will be able to communicate your wishes and concerns directly to the crew. Contact the NY/FL Yard Pros today!