Commercial Invasive Tree Management & Landscaping Port St Lucie
Most trees are removed because they have become dangerously overgrown. Exotic trees, such as Melaleuca, Australian Pine, and Brazilian Pepper, are another reason for trees being removed. These exotic trees were introduced to our tropical environment as ornamental plants. They are all able to thrive here but they can be a nuisance that prevents native vegetation from growing and flourishing. The NY/FL Yard Pro invasive tree-removal crew is highly skilled and will locate and remove invasive trees and plants from your property. Our experts can identify dangerous trees for homes, powerlines and other structures. If left unattended, dead or decaying trees pose a danger to people and buildings. Our professional hazardous tree crew can safely remove any tree that cannot be saved through trimming or cabling.
Invasive Tree Removal For Construction Purposes
If you’re involved in a construction project, you may have been notified that you must have your exotic, invasive trees remove from your commercal property before you can pass inspection and open your doors. The NY/FL Yard Pros have experience in removal of exotic and invasive trees to pass inspection. We’ve fostered relationships with the municipalities so we can work together as one to get things moving along. Call the NY/FL Yard Pros today @ 772-268-9273

Invasive Plant Removal
Sometimes trees are not the only invasive species on your property. Plants can also be considered invasive. Port St Lucie is a host to many exotic and invasive plants like Asiatic Bittersweet, Knotweed, Privet, Stiltgrass, Kudzu, Norway Maple, and Barberry just to name a few. The professionals at the NY/FL Yard Pros know how to identify and remove these plants so that your commercial lawn and property are looks great and not overgrown or strangled by these pests.

General Invasive Tree Removal
If you have any of the following trees: Air Potato (Dioscorea Bulbifera), Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium Micophyllum), Melaleuca (Melaleuca Quinquenervia), Brazillian Peppertree (Schinus Terebinthifolius), Tropical Soda Apple (Solanum Viarum), Earleaf Acacia (Acacia Auriculiformis), or any of the other invasive species not mentioned, we can help you. Call us @ 772-268-9273 so we can address your invasive species issues.

What If I Need Something Else?
Call us! We’re available Monday-Saturday at 772-268-9273. We do a lot more than most other Treasure Coast landscaping companies. For one, we provide consistent service. We also show up – and we know that’s big around Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, and Stuart. Did you know we also serve communities with HOA’s? Call us so we can give you a quote for your property – we can save your community and homeowners up to 38% per year. That’s huge! The NY/FL Yard Pro crews all speak conversational English, which is something most other landscaping companies in Port St Lucie can say. You and your commercial business will be able to communicate your wishes and concerns directly to the crew. Contact the NY/FL Yard Pros today!