Weeds, Invasive Plants, and More. Chemical, Organic, Hybrid, and
Manual Options Available

Weeds Can Ruin the Best Landscaping – Call the NY/FL Yard Pros

They are the enemies of every beautiful, green lawn. Even the most meticulously maintained lawns could be sprayed with weeds. In the fight against weeds, the most effective defense is usually an offense. We at NY/FL Yard Pros, we know how difficult to get rid of weeds on your lawn. They can be spread through water, wind animal soil amendments, even grass seeds that are of poor quality. Once they’re on your yard they will be spread across the property. Even if you think that they are gone forever They can resurface once more. This is due to the fact that weeds may be dormant in lawns for several years before beginning to develop. Seeds must be brought to the surface of the soil and receive adequate sunshine and water before they are able to germinate.

The NY/FL Yard Pro Weed Removal & Fertilization Services

Chemical Weed Removal

Weeds can take over, expand, and take over the yard in a short time. They can quickly turn the lawn that was once gorgeous into an eye-sore. The good news is that reducing the growing of weeds can be the best way to keep your lawn looking stunning. However, there are other reasons to think about hiring professional weed removal services offered by the NY/FL Yard Pros. Sometimes, manual (by hand) removal of weeds isn’t a suitable option for large areas or locations which are completely overgrown with the weeds. In these instances, the most effective method is to utilize herbicides. If used correctly herbicides are highly efficient in tackling weeds and getting rid of the weeds. Call the NY/FL Yard Pros for chemical weeding services today. Free Estimates

Spraying weed killer herbicide to control unwanted plants on a backyard
Man Sprinkles the soil with poison from weeds. Selective focus.

Organic Weed Removal

The organic chemicals which are used by the NY/FL Yard Pros use to eliminate weeds do not use glyphosphate, which makes them safe for you and your family, as well as the environment. You can also relax in your yard right after the application of weed control spray from our Yard Pros. Organic solutions can also be a great alternative to control weeds in your flower bed. Organic weed control is safe for pets and family members alike. If you have kids and pets who play on the lawn, they’re likely to come into contact with weed killing chemicals. Cats and dogs play with plants and grasses and ingesting hazardous chemicals can cause long-term harm. Certain chemical herbicides may cause cancer.

Man Sprinkles the soil with poison from weeds. Selective focus.

Hybrid (Chemical and Organic Herbicide) Weed Removal

Organic Hybrid weed control is another service offered by the NY/FL Yard Pros. We use a 3 step process. Chemical weeding on the outskirts of your property. Far enough away from the home, but very effective.  We then use a combination of organic weed removal and hand weed removal to remove all of the weeds from your yard.  The professionals at the NY/FL Yard Pros know what weed removal application is most effective for the type of weed being removed. Call the NY/FL Yard Pros today for a free estimate on organic hybrid weed removal.

Wish flying away...catch it and your wish comes true.
Man doing yard work chores by pulling weeds grass on his hands and knees from a mulched flowerbed.

The Good Ol’ Fashioned Way – By Hand

Sometimes the only way you can remove weeds is by hand. Maybe this is because you  have weeds in your vegetible garden or somewhere else where chemical or organic applications can’t be applied. Whatever the reason, we can accommodate you. Hand weeding is the most expensive of option of all weed removal solutions. We’ll help guide you. You can you can count on the team at the NY/FL Yard Pros. Call us today at 772.268.YARD (9273)

Lawn & Garden Fertilization

In case you’re struggling grow or keep an enviable, green lawn the answer lies in the regular lawn fertilization services. Fertilizing your lawn plays a crucial role in maintaining your lawn and creating a beautiful lawn year after year. Like all species of plants, lawns require essential nutrients to ensure that proper growth can be achieved. Most of the time, lawns don’t have the ability to absorb every nutrient they require naturally. This is the reason why the lawn experts  at the NY/FL Yard Pros suggest fertilizer.. Spreading fertilizer supplies to your grass the nutrition it’s lacking to improve overall health of the grass. A healthy lawn doesn’t only appear even and green. It has to be able to absorb more water and protection from pests and lesser the weeds that surround it, which compete with the soil’s natural nutrients. Lawn fertilization is a process of lawn maintenance that will help you have a lush lawn you are happy with. Contact the lawn fertilizations professionals at 772-268-9273 (YARD)

Man doing yard work chores by pulling weeds grass on his hands and knees from a mulched flowerbed.

What If I Need Something Else?

The NY/FL Yard Pros can help you plan and design landscape enhancement with new trees, plants, or a garden that will improve and enhance the landscape of your home. Send us ideas and we’ll help you make your dream become reality! Enhance the aesthetics and utility of your home by bringing in professionally designed landscaping from The Yard Pros. We’re a team of landscape designers and installers who can provide your backyard with a complete overhaul the entire family can appreciate and utilize for many years. Whether you have something pre-designed or need our help & guidance, you can count on the team at the NY/FL Yard Pros. Call us today at 772.268.YARD (9273)


Where’d You Come From?

The question that we’re most frequently asked is: Why are you in business? Like some folks on the Treasure Coast, we’re implants too. When we got here, we had a really hard time finding and keeping a landscape company that could handle our house and all of the green beauty that came with it. After firing our 13th company in half as many years, we decided to open up in Florida too. We’ve been in the Landscape business for 25 years in New York, and know what it takes to be successful and to keep clients happy. We’re happy to be here in Southeast Florida and hope to bring a bit more beauty to it, one yard at a time.


Remember that face you would make when you hit traffic at rush hour on your way home? Yeah, that’s the one. That’s the same face we make when we see an amazing lawn but unkempt trees. The NY/FL Yard Pros treat your yard the way we treat ours. We can make sure your trees are trimmed & fertilized (when in-season) and look amazing year-round. We’re not like the other landscaping companies in Port St Lucie.

More About Residential Service Landscaping From The NY/FL Yard Pros

Weeds are a yearly problem for thousands of homeowners in Port St Lucie. They can be a nuisance in the garden, and can also be a health hazard. There are many ways to get rid of weeds and prevent them from recurring. These techniques are natural and safe for your lawn and your garden.

One of the most effective weed killers is regular table salt. You can apply it to the weeds with a spray bottle. This technique works well for both grass-like and broad-leaf weeds. But, be careful to not spread the salt on your lawn or on paved areas, which can cause damage.

Another method to prevent weeds is to mulch your garden. Mulch prevents sunlight from reaching the underground seeds of weeds. A layer of mulch will also help to keep your soil nourished. However, it is important to make sure that the newspaper is in a moist state and that the mulch is applied thoroughly. It is also best to cover the area with several layers of mulch. This will hide the newspaper and also prevent weeds from forming.

If you have a weed that has long roots, you may want to try a weed killer. Herbicides are available, but they have their drawbacks. Many herbicides can be harmful to animals, people, and plants. Additionally, the herbicide may kill other plants in the area, so it is best to avoid herbicides if possible.

Another way to control weeds is to plant warm weather plants near your garden. Planting warm weather plants as soon as possible can prevent your soil from becoming bare. Planting close together also creates more shade, making it more difficult for weeds to grow. Other options include perennials and ground roses.

Another effective weed killer is vinegar. When mixed with water, this solution can work wonders. Vinegar can be applied with a brush or pump sprayer. Applying it on a cloudless day is key to ensure that it does not wash away in the rain. Make sure that you wear protective clothing when applying it.

A third option is to exclude light from your garden. For this, you can use landscape fabric, straw, or brown cardboard. All of these methods will prevent sunlight from reaching the weeds in your yard. In addition, you can cover the area with a few inches of compost or a thin layer of mulch to smother weeds.

Using a leaf mulcher is another effective weed killer. This device can turn yard debris into mulch, which is a great way to save money. The leaf mulcher also comes with shredders, which you can use to destroy weeds.